Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Spring Photoshoot with Alaanah

Sorry I haven't posted in a really long time- my computer has been really slow and my photos have been loaded onto 3 different computers. Anyways, here is a shoot we did a couple of weeks ago! I honestly don't love these pictures but I don't hate them either... but I did get a new lens for my birthday yesterday (50mm 1.8) and I have 2 shoots this week so get ready for that! Also I have one more post coming from March whoops 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Renwick Gallery

Last weekend I went to the Renwick Gallery! It was just recently renovated, and I had seen a bunch of pictures and I wanted to go- so I did. It's modern art, but a lot of it is made out of materials we use everyday. There was even an exhibit where basically the whole room was covered in stuffed bugs! Overall, it was a very interesting experience, and I definitely want to go back when it is less busy so I can get more shots. Until then, enjoy these!

This exhibit was really cool. The artist had made about 7 sculptures (probably 7 ft tall) completely out of note cards! 

This piece was in a very large room (where you had to wait to see half the exhibits) and there were lights in every corner. Every few minutes, the lights would change color, which then changed the colors that we saw. 

Also, I might be going to a few very exciting places next week, so stay tuned for some more photos! 

Nikon d7000
Nikorr 18-70mm 


Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Day! ~ 1.22.16

Hello beautiful people! Today I decided to take advantage of my snow day off to capture the beauty of nature in the winter. I really wanted to focus on the movement of snow while still focusing on Alaanah, and I think I did a pretty good job of it! I also was super excited because this was the first time taking photos of the snow with my knowledge of macro photography. I think these are some of my best photos... anyway, enjoy!